Just checking in to say I’m still here, but currently drowning in Camp NaNo scribbling. My writing cave has now become a seacave, where I spend my days raging at imaginary seamonsters.
I’ve also been asking my friends what messes these seamonsters-in-human-form could get into as they run around the British coastline. Some of my favorite suggestions: getting angry at chavs in the cities, taking a dive to some underwater wrecks, visiting the Giant’s Causeway…
Thanks to a spree of bad health I’m not sure I’m going to be able to meet my Camp NaNo deadline — I’ve just passed 15k and my target was 30k by the 30th March.
But hey, progress is progress, so I don’t feel too bad about it. Now, I’m off back to work, but before I go — how’s it going? What are you writing? Is it going well or are you running into problems?
Sound off in the comments. I look forward to hearing what everyone’s up to. :)