Woohoo, it’s April, let’s rock!
No April foolery/fake goals here because I’m too busy being serious for that kind of thing. I am super serious. Completely professional.
…Okay, sometimes I’m professional.
And really I just don’t like April Fool’s so LET’S GET ON WITH THE PARTY-GOALS.
MARCH GOALS: The Final Verdict
These were the goals, and I didn’t do *too* badly at them. I think I hit the 40 hours editing time, but only if we include daydreaming time and writing-other-projects time because I completely failed at the ‘don’t get distracted by other things’ goal.
However I did finish the BROKEN THINGS scene outline and the read- through and got a good way through the tense rewrite. PROGRESS!
Goal: Write 20,000 words for a new kids book. Difficulty Level: Easy-ish. First drafts aren’t easy, but they are one of the most fun parts of the writing process so I’m looking forward to this one. I fully outlined it months ago, and I’m already about 7k down, so I’ve got a clear roadmap and a good feel for the world already.
This is my goal for the Camp NaNoWriMo writing event (my profile’s here!), and the end goal for this kids book project is to submit the final draft to a competition held by local writing organisation Emergents.
Goal: Continue with the 2nd draft/full rewrite of ALL THE BROKEN THINGS.
Difficulty Level: Medium. Revising is hard but things are going well with this draft, I just need to stick to it.
Goal: Finish present tense rewrite
Difficulty Level: Easy. As above, just need to stick to it.
Goal: Beta-read more. [Beta-reading involves reading the work of my awesome writer friends and providing feedback.]
Difficulty Level: Hard. I’m a slow, slow beta reader, and providing beta feedback can be draining (which is why I don’t often do it anymore).
But I’m trying to put more focus on getting back to the unlucky souls who’ve been waiting for ages for my feedback. I currently have 3 manuscripts requiring feedback: one half-way done, one not yet started, and one brand new to the queue.