Along with a significant chunk of the YA writing/reading/reviewing world, I went to see The Hunger Games on it’s release day.
I’ll try to keep this as low on spoilers as I can, but I’m assuming all you cool people have read the books. And if you haven’t, read the friggin books, because even though this is a faithful and brilliant movie adaption it will never be as good as the books. The movie had to cut out or just imply a lot of things the book covers in more detail. So read the books.
The Good
- Haymitch! I didn’t care much for him in the first book, but movie Haymitch is brilliant. And he has an eerie similarity to Thor/Chris Hemsworth.
- Tracker Jackers! I was strangely concerned about them overdoing this and giving us some brightly coloured giant super-wasps. They didn’t do this. What they did instead was TERRIFYING and so very well done. The entire Tracker Jacker scene is made of win and awesome.
- Most of the ‘soundtrack’ songs weren’t actually in the movie, the soundtrack used was almost entirely instrumental. I liked a lot of the soundtrack songs, but the movie worked much better that way.
The Not-Quite-What-I-Expected
- Peeta. He’s a great actor, just not what I expect from the boy with the bread. But he won me round by playing the role so well.
- The dog-creatures (the mutts). They showed a 3D model of them that looked kick-ass, but something about their design in motion didn’t mesh well with me. They handled the fear in that scene very well, but they also took out a very creepy and powerful element from the books.
- The bloodlessness. I know this is a useless complaint, and if they had tried to add more blood this movie would never have been made… but sometimes the character deaths just felt too clean. It took away from the horror.
The Awesome
- They somehow made Effie Trinket funny.
- The Gamekeeper’s Control Room.
- Rue’s lullaby.
I really loved this movie, and recommend it to anyone who loved the books — just be sure to treat it as a separate creature to the books. Totally worth sitting through the 30 minutes of boring cinema adverts, and the one hour bus ride with loud drunks and no seatbelts that followed.