I just had a look at the movie trailer of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, embedded below.
TPOBAW is one of my favourite teen contemporary novels, and this trailer captures all the things I love about it: it’s quiet, it’s cute and funny, and it’s smart and relatable in a way that makes my heart hum. I don’t know if it’ll do all that well in the cinemas, because it lacks of a lot of the exciting fistfights/explosions/drama that people expect. But it looks like I’ll love it nonetheless.
It seems to be targeting the ‘Juno’ crowd. That’s fine with me because I thought Juno was funny and awkward, especially when it tried to make Michael Cera seem even remotely sexy because pfffftttttt no. But I know a lot of people didn’t like Juno, so that’s a nice little ‘this movie is probably not for you’ red flag.
What do you think? Have you read the book, or is this your first glance at the story?