Time for another one of those posts where I go over everything that’s been sucking up my time.
I haven’t had much time to listen to music because I’ve managed to lose my beloved headphones (Sennheiser CX-300s) and I’m far too stubborn to buy new ones. I’ll find them! Somewhere. Been going over some “Rise Against” tracks though, I’d forgotten that I liked them.
As for movies, I watched Breakfast At Tiffany’s. It’s a simple enough story, but it’s an endearing 60s movies. True to the novella with a few exceptions, most noticeably the end. However, it feels over-hyped, and in this day and age the ‘yellowface’ make-up used to make the Caucasian actor playing Mr. Yunioshi look Japanese is irritating at best.
Also, this month I managed to not only play a video game, but complete it! I usually get frustrated or distracted before the end of anything. That game was Portal, which I already knew and loved but hadn’t actually gotten round to finishing yet. I did, using the free copy from Steam’s giveaway a month or so ago. It was brilliant! There’s also a lot of suspense in it which had me on edge towards the end because I’m a scaredy cat.
As for books, I’m just finished The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. It’s very slow to start, but after the first 100 pages or so it gets interesting. But very… well, explicit is the only word. There were a few scenes with the female main character Salander that made me uncomfortable. Violence towards woman is a huge theme, so be warned. There’s also a lot of paragraphs spent on the protagonist getting with every woman he meets, but that’s just a bit boring.
Aside from that though, it was a decent read. A few nice twists to the story, and while I wasn’t much bothered about all the information on industrial reporting some of the sections describing Sweden’s legal guardianship system were food for thought. I won’t be rushing out to buy the other books in the trilogy. 2/5 – an okay book, but there’s a lot of little nickpicks about characterization and plot that don’t feel quite satisfying. Not to mention the need for a bit tighter editing, especially at the beginning. Not my kind of book, really.