Hey all,
Sorry for the lack of posts – life has been busy, and fantastic.
The Blog has a new theme, it’s a temp one until I can redo the site to something more lightweight.
It used to be I would post about anything important – and, as things go, the important things would often be the worst. Unfortunately, when I post negative or awful things, having to go back over them later just makes me regret ever writing it…
So today, have a post about the good things.
– I got to work with my fiance, and the transition between lovers and mates is a flawless as its ever been. Treating him as a colleague just works and it’s so nice to have such a close friend.
– On IM he made some lame joke and posted ‘It was worth it, it made you smile”. Long after the joke was forgotten, seeing it still made me smile.
– My friends caught wind of some issues we were having with a tenant and we talked (well, ranted, in part) about it over e-mail. Seeing them there for me when I’m stressed or low never stops being unbelievable.
– They helped me get a present for someone very special to me! (Hint: It’s not Dave. This time.)
– Dave and my friends conspired together to bring home a tub of Ben&Jerry’s Cookie Dough ice cream. I’m undersleeping and overstressing so thinking of me like that makes me squee.
– Just e-mailed my agent and stated something I’ve only just realised: I am happy with my writing right now. Sure, I edit and re-edit and angst about my style and prose; I never get enough writing done to satisfy me… but I’m very confident in the direction my work is going, and the way this series is going to turn out.
To summarize: Everything is awesome.
Hope you can say the same.