Man, today was a crazy day for my writing friends. It was the US release of Pantomime by the lovely Laura Lam!
R.H. Ragona’s Circus of Magic is the greatest circus of Ellada. Nestled among the glowing blue Penglass – remnants of a mysterious civilisation long gone – are wonders beyond the wildest imagination. It’s a place where anything seems possible, where if you close your eyes you can believe that the magic and knowledge of the vanished Chimeras is still there. It’s a place where anyone can hide.
Iphigenia Laurus, or Gene, the daughter of a noble family, is uncomfortable in corsets and crinoline, and prefers climbing trees to debutante balls. Micah Grey, a runaway living on the streets, joins the circus as an aerialist’s apprentice and soon becomes the circus’s rising star. But Gene and Micah have balancing acts of their own to perform, and a secret in their blood that could unlock the mysteries of Ellada.
Available on: Amazon US, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository, Waterstones
The official UK release is tomorrow (February 7th), but Amazon have been shipping out orders early which means I’ve been snuggling up to read it every night… when the dogs don’t steal my armchair to have a read, that is.
And that’s not the only awesome news happening on our writing front! My friend John Dixon’s YA Thriller, Dissident PHOENIX ISLAND, comes out in 2014 and he’s sold the pilot of Intelligence, a show based on it, to CBS! John’s been working hard to get this far, and it’s great to see it pay off for him. Go stop by his blog and say congratulations, because when Dissident hits the shelves it’s gonna be huge.
Man, it’s great to see good things happening to my writing friends. :) But now, it’s time for me to settle down with a cuppa tea and read more of Pantomime.