Spent my afternoon re-drawing an old piece.
In the process, I realised this character’s design is basically a younger Freddie Lounds from Hannibal.
Eh. I’m cool with it. :)
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Scottish Writer of Fantasy & Sci-Fi
Spent my afternoon re-drawing an old piece.
In the process, I realised this character’s design is basically a younger Freddie Lounds from Hannibal.
Eh. I’m cool with it. :)
MISSION SUCCESS. My edits are done. Completed. Finished. Finally over.
Okay, that celebratory art is all well and good, but that’s not as party-like as it could be. Can we add more party?
Of course we can, I have a photoshop wizard for a fiancé.
Now that NaNoEdMo (aka “the month of edits and ice cream”) is finished, I’m going to spend some time doing catch-up on beta reading. The plan is to start on the ALL THE BROKEN THINGS edit soon, but with a bit of stubbornness I should be able to convince myself to take the weekend off. For reading. And video games.
And, y’know, all that sleep I’ve missed out on.
How are your NaNoWriMo or November writing tasks going? I’d love to hear!
Today’s commission was by Jennilah, a young student artist who is absolutely lovely to work with. Her commission info is here.
My friend Jenny Haines, a professional artist, also has a sale on for commissioned art. She has a huge range of styles, and you can check out her work here and her rates here.
At World Fantasy Con 2013 (the place where I’ve been hiding since Wednesday), I babbled more than once about how the comic panels with Neil Gaiman and Joe Hill were making me want to give comics a try again.
I’ve had a plan for a very short (5 – 10 pages) DIVIDE THE SKY comic for a while, but a lot of the panels were tricky to draw. So last night I gave myself permission to suck at it, to be scribble-y and messy and daft, and I finally put digital pen to digital paper.
Here’s page one of DIVIDE, which has a (slightly) lighter tone than the novel it’s based on. Will there be more? Hopefully! I had a lot of fun doing this.
We’re seven days into August already! Kind of alarming, isn’t it? Here’s a slightly delayed What’s Up Wednesday post to confuse you this Thursday.
I’m on a comic book kick, having finished Hawkeye Vol.2 and Saga Vol.2. I’m slowly getting back into reading, but time’s not been on my side for getting stuck into a good book.
Also, every lightbulb in the house keeps blowing. Reading is surprisingly difficult without lightbulbs… also, I should probably be worried this is foreshadowing a horror movie moment where all the lights go out at once.
*fireworks* *confetti*
The revisions are over and done, and the story is out to the lovely betas, who I trust to tell me exactly how far I have to go. I’m looking forward to it.
(Also, if you’re interested in being a beta reader for the second round, just let me know!)
While DIVIDE’so out with betas, I’ve been sinking my teeth into an edit of ALL THE BROKEN THINGS. It’s really good to be working on some new-ish material, but at the same time it’s unnerving to have something so raw and unpolished to work on.
I went to see Laura Lam perform a reading in Inverness yesterday! It was really lovely meeting her, and the Inverness Book Festival audience asked some really interesting questions.
Also, Chuck Wedig’s had some great blogs out lately, answering the big questions like Can You Force Art? and Are You A Real Writer?.
Driving lessons are still going well! However, I’ve been lousy with the flu for a few days.
I also joined WriteOnCon! It’ll get its own post when I get round to it, but if you’re taking part you can find my account here, my query here, and my 1st 250 words here.
I have some new commissioned art to show! The lovely Alexia drew these super-cute photos of Anna (ALL THE BROKEN THINGS aka the Giant Robots project) and Tyler (DIVIDE THE SKY).
The longhand, hard-copy edit of DIVIDE THE SKY‘s most recent draft is done. This was an in-depth edit of an 80,000 word manuscript, focussing on everything from typos to major structure issues. DIVIDE’s been through a few rewrites already, I had clear plans for this revision and could afford to set a fast pace.
I set myself a tight timescale to get this done, and I had to learn a lot about my process. I’m going ramble on indulgently about this now, because I love breaking down my own process so I can figure out what I did right and see how my process changes between projects.
I learned:
To break the timescale down:
Looks like I did manage that chapter-a-day rate, though as usual with writing-related tactics I did it in bursts instead of a steady daily rate.
Now, I wonder if I can meet my one-month deadline and get the electronic edit done by the 24th… only one way to find out. In the morning, it’ll be straight back to work!