Today, for their Road Trip Wednesday question for bloggers, YA Highway asked: We’re already 1/4 of the way through the year–where are you on your reading and writing goals?
The year was off to a good start, but man, March has really knocked me off the wagon.
I wasn’t doing so bad earlier in the year, but now that I’m back from travelling I’m behind on my February targets… and my March goals…. and meanwhile March charges on relentless, refusing to slow down and let me catch up.
I’ll be back on track soon but I’m behind on writing and reading, plus balancing a new bout of illness, so you might need to give me a few days.
I’m not sure if I’m doing good or bad on this, actually.
I’m completely failing at editing my YA with giant robots, which I am very ashamed off, but in the meantime I’ve finished a short story, started two others, and written about 12k of a new novel.
So hey. I’m not resting on my laurels, but I’m going to try to ease myself back towards the all-important editing this month.
I’m technically ahead of my goal. Goodreads likes to tell me that I’ve read 13 books toward your goal of 50 books, and 5 books (8%) ahead of schedule.
Buuut 9 of those books are comic books, which won’t count towards my personal reading targets of 50 books. And I’ve totally lost my steam towards the end of Febuary, so I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.
I’ll get to it, though. I’ve got my determined face on and everything.