I was in the process of jazzing up FK with some plug-ins when I found an automatic wordpress update plugin. Itw worked like a charm, and now everything’s working smoother than ever, complete with a new backend. The admin layout is a lot brighter and fun to use, this makes me happy. :3
Now, this blog has been neglected of late, but I’m working on sorting that. Look out for fun things like this in the future:
– Life updates. My boyfriend and I move in to our own house on my birthday, the second of October, which along with the workload requiredb to afford this is sucking up a lot of my time.
– Writing updates. New short stories are underway, including a new one you can read over at the forum.
– Art updates. I’m still drawing, I just don’t have scanning time.
– Reviews. Books, movies, games, anything really… I’ll be working on developing my critical abilities.
– Essays. I’m still in two minds about this, haha, it reminds me a bit of school, but I should be attempting some essays.
– Site updates. UG’s overhaul is still not completely finished – I need to sort out issues with spam on the blog and news, for instance.
– Merch updates. I will eventually get round to designing new products from Punk Ethic. Where I will get the funds to create these projects is another question entirely.
– Creation of a ‘member’s club’. This is more complex, and still under construction, but I’m working on unifying membes via a feature called E.Maree’s Army. It might involve premium forum status or access, early viewing of sample book chapters, exclusive wallpapers and other such goodies.
How I’m supposed to do this with SMF, WordPress and a normal HTML/CSS site is a good question. xD
…Fun times.
Also, if anyone reading this and is proficient in WordPress design, I’m looking for some help integrating the blog into the main site’s layout. Give me a buzz at emaree@used-goods.net =]
Thanks for reading.