On Tuesday I posted some sketches of Evan, the antagonist to my giant robots WIP. (Currently paused while I work on LEVIATHAN RISES for Camp NaNo.)
Today it’s time to show a few sketches of the protagonist, Anna, a Scottish lass with minor sleeping problems and major monster problems.
(That red thing she’s holding is a screwdriver. I know. I’m sorry. Who knew I could mess up drawing a screwdriver so badly?)
Here are some facts about Anna:
a) She loves those fruit ‘infusion’ teas you see in supermarkets.
b) Before going for a night out, while the other engineers are getting their makeup on, she likes to plan out what she’s got to-hand for self-defence if the night turns sour.
c) Evan really should’ve picked someone else to mess with.
If I didn’t already want to read this (which I do!), B) would’ve won me over.
Sounds awesome, Emma! And she looks stylish too ^_^