This was another month of gentle goals, which was great because whoa boy, did I need the break. My goals were:
- Be kind to yourself.
- Finish a video game
- Read some books.
- Write some words
- Keep up the healthy eating and exercise
I met most of these goals, getting plenty of walking and spinning class done though my healthy eating suffered a bit of a loss towards Halloween (…sweeties, though). I only managed to finish a game demo this month (Pokemon Sun/Moon, woo!), not a full game, but I’ll take the victory.
This wasn’t a conscious goal, but I also spent a lot of time getting on top of the TV watching list with my partner. If you want to hear me babble about the new Doctor Who spin-off CLASS, all the comic book TV shows, or a ton of cartoon shows like Voltron, stop by my Twitter and geek out with me.
Dave and I also got some cute Halloween Twitter avatars drawn by Britt Sabo to celebrate the season:
Previously in Writing
This month I spent a good bit of time and energy on taking part in Pitch2Pub, a fun contest that made me think a lot about my submission packages and editing tastes. I was grateful to make it pretty far in the contest, though I didn’t make it to the end.
(Unfortunately, sitting around in P2P-limbo until 6pm on Halloween is the reason this blog is super late. As much as I had fun, it was rough hanging around until Halloween evening before I knew if I’d be editing with the contest or doing NaNoWriMo as normal.)
Now that I’ve finished going through that, I’m looking forward to focusing on NaNoWriMo and getting some massive amounts of words racked up. My profile is here.
Previous in Reading
It’s another bust month for reading more than I’m buying. But ah well, just need to try harder next month (in between all the NaNo madness, yikes).
Books Added this Month:
Furiously Happy [Hardback]
Stiletto (The Checquy Files, #2) [eBook]
The Mirror Empire (The Worldbreaker Saga, #1) [eBook]
Nina is Not Okay [eBook]
Justice Calling (The Twenty-Sided Sorceress, #1) [eBook]
Days of Blood and Starlight (DOSAB, #2) [eBook]
Alexander Hamilton (Great Lives) [eBook]
Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1) [eBook]
Covet (Fallen Angels, #1) [eBook]
Books Finished & Removed:
Lair of Dreams (The Diviners, #2) [Audiobook]
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha, #1) [Audiobook/eBook]
53k Beta Read
Furiously Happy [Hardback]
Victory of Eagles (Temeraire, #5) [Library Book]
Next Time In Goals
Next month, all priorities shift towards NANOWRIMOOOO.
- Write 50,000 words!
- Get back on the healthy eating bandwagon. (*shakes fist at Halloween treats*)
- Keep on spinning and walking.
- Finish the first Game of Thrones book.
- Try and catch up with my NetGalley reads.
It’s going to be a month of low calories and high wordcounts. Let’s do this.
A Word of Advice
I really like podcasts and audiobooks, both of which keep me going through long dog walks through the rain and dreich darkness. My new favourite is The Creative Penn, and it’s all about writing industry news, business advice & tactics to beat self-doubt. I started listening to it because it was the cream of the crop for writing business talk, and I was hankering for something with a bit more industry news and shop talk than my other favourite, the craft-focused Writing Excuses podcast. It was an added delight to find that it has a very similar tone to Tea & Jeopardy (a writing interview podcast) as both presenters come from near Bath in England.
And if you like to study structure and foreshadowing, this 9-minute analysis of BACK TO THE FUTURE is a great look at how to craft a story.
Signing off with a puppy picture,
~ Emma <3