Today, for their Road Trip Wednesday question for bloggers, YA Highway asked: What was the best book you read in February?
This is, without a doubt, Veronica Roth’s “Divergent”.
I’ve actually been completely conflicted about this book–I got so immersed in the world that I over thinking elements, which meant I started over thinking my review, so I froze up and stalled and avoided hitting ‘publish’ on the review because I was blowing up everything out of proportion.
And that’s how I know I loved it. I got ridiculously, unconsciously invested in the world.
I’ll pop the review up tomorrow. :)
What did you choose for your response? Drop a link to your answer in the comments!
I’m reading DIVERGENT right now (almost done) and loving it! I picked ACROSS THE UNIVERSE for the best read of the month, but I wonder how I would have chosen between the two if I’d already finished DIVERGENT.
Aaagh I’m so ashamed that I haven’t read this book yet. I know I need to–I keep seeing bloggers gush over it! Maybe I can pick it up over spring break…
On my TBR list! Heard a lot of positive things about this book so quite excited to read it. At the mo my YA reading is all about The Hunger Games. It’s not a great time to be grabbing books 2 and 3. They’re selling out so quickly!
I read DIVERGENT this past month as well, and I agree that it was very good. I found myself considering elements of the world outside of the book–Roth obviously has built an incredibly realistic, detailed world.
I guess since I liked it so much, I’m pleased when my blog friends rave about DIVERGENT. Perhaps it’s something to do with a shared experience… Or maybe it’s the thought that perhaps my literary taste isn’t completely whacko! :) I also have thoughts about where VR might be going with the story… but I’m content to wait until May to see if I’m anywhere close. :)
I’m still trying to decide if I should read Divergent. When I get a hole carved out in my TBR pile, I’ll probably check it out. It has a gorgeous cover!
As for my favorites this month – it was Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett and Fly Trap by Frances Hardinge. These two authors have fast become a couple of my favorites. I can’t wait to read the next installment from Hardinge.
Here’s why I love those two books so much: