IT’S DECEMBER! IT’S WEDNESDAY! And it’s time for an update on all things me-related.
What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, allowing us to touch base with blog friends and let them know what’s up. It was created by created by Jaime and Erin. Want to join the party? Go right ahead, and remember to leave a link to your What’s Up Wednesday post in the widget on Jaime´s blog.
What I’m Reading
I’m in the middle of an Open Uni course aimed at allowing music-lovers to clearly describe the different styles and shapes of music out there, as well as understanding the underlying techniques. So I’m reading a ton about musical form and structure. My trick is to imagine celebrities reading the words. Sometimes Johnny Lee Miller or Benedict Cumberbatch. When I’m reading about software testing it’s GlaDOS from Portal. (She loves to test.)
On the book front, I am (unsurprisingly) five books behind my yearly goal. However, by the end of the year I’ll have read at least two full novels for beta reading (three if you count my own, haha).I’m also catching up on beta reading, slowly, but surely. If I have a manuscript of yours to beta, rest assured I’m getting to it, but life’s been crazy and it’s hard to catch up. Next year I’ll cut down on beta reading requests.
What I’m Writing
I’m on a writing break for all of December, but I’m… twitchy. This recharge break means ideas are popping up out of nowhere, trying to lure me back to my stories.
But for now, reading takes priority.
What Inspires Me
Taking a break from writing is, oddly, extremely inspiring. It’s a great way to get the ideas going again. I’d forgotten how necessary brain-rest is.
Also, I’ve been really enjoying Sleepy Hollow. It has a lot of things I love about my other 2013 fav show Elementary (sarcasm, murders, male and female leads working closely together without romance, super adorable characters, brilliant female characters, varied ethnicities, interesting cops) with a whole lashing of fun supernatural elements. Also Ichabod Crane is REALLY good-looking.
It’s not a perfect show but I love it to pieces.
Also, this gallery of work by Korean artist JeeYoung Lee is amazing. She transform her tiny studio into some really surreal, beautiful designs.

What Else I’ve Been Up To
We’ve had some crazy weather here lately.
The photograph on the left is our nearest city, Inverness, where the river banks overflowed during the rain, now and gale force winds that hit us last week.
When I’ve not been surviving the crazy weather, I’ve been wrapping Christmas presents and trying to make sure everyone’s accounted for. Christmas is… stressful. It’s been years since I was in an unstable financial situation, but Christmas knocked my bank balance to the lowest it’s been in years. It brought back a lot of panic and worries, old ingrained stresses from the time when we were literally in poverty.
I sorted it all out eventually (and asked for help, eventually), but yeah. Turns out being broke and nearly homeless has long-lasting effects on your ability to enjoy the holiday season.
When not stressing, I’ve been listening to some fun music as part of my music course.
Queen — We Will Rock You
(Good example of: a very clear ‘pulse’ or beat running through a song.)
The Darkness — I Believe In A Thing Called Love
(Good example of: the 4/4 time signature, the most common time signature in rock, country, blues and pop music.)
Linkin Park — What I’ve Done
(Good example of: 4/4 common time. This style of music makes the pattern particularly easy to pick out.)
Yikes, I heard about the crazy weather! I hope everything’s OK! Your open uni course sounds really fun! I’m thinking of doing some kind of home-study course because I miss university. :P
I hope things get less stressful soon! :)
I hope so too. I need sleeeeeeeeeeeep.
I can highly recommend the Open University! Their course material is very, very clear and easy to understand. Website can be tricky to get around at times but it’s no big deal.
Wow, that weather looks crazy. We had a big flood here about 20 years ago, when I was just a kid, and I still remember it vividly. Rivers overflowing into streets is intense. Where is Noah with his arc?
wow, your course sounds fascinating! WIsh I could sit in. And i love Sleepy Hollow, one of my favorite new shows. And I get the writing break, I’m on one too. sometimes we need to take the time off in order to get better.
Another good example of 4/4: “Scotland the Brave” (but I’m sure you already know that!) ;-) We play it every single week at pipe band, so it’s kind of lodged in my brain. That course you’re taking sounds fascinating!
I know what you mean about old financial stresses feeling ingrained. I’ve been there too, and the stress it causes does have long-lasting effects. They do eventually lessen, but I’m not sure it ever completely goes away. I hope you’re able to enjoy this Christmas season despite this.
Oh, and I have to agree that Tom Mison (Ichabod) is a thing of beauty, especially done up in character. He is the main reason I watch that show. I love his little comments here and there that remind the viewer that he’s from another century. So funny! Have a wonderful week, Emma!
Wow, that is some bad weather.
Enjoy the OU course. Sounds fun :D
Tch, you *know* Space!Story is the best book you’ve read this year… ;)
Love Sleepy Hollow! I didn’t know I was missing it in my life until it aired this fall. I had zero expectations and now I look forward to it every week. I don’t understand why Fox is keeping it a shortened season though instead of increasing the episode order like most network shows. Bummed.
The shortened episodes aren’t hitting me as hard because 12 eps is normal for a British show (some, like BBC’s Sherlock, only have three episodes a season). Completely agree about it defying expectations: I went into it expecting something a bit silly, a bit fluffy, but it takes some very bold swipes at modern day life.
As a side note, I feel very strongly that Christmas should not put anybody out financially. If it’s a matter of travel costs, that’s one thing, but gift giving I think should be re-evaluated based on family’s financial needs. My extended family has lowered gift giving limits, instated a name draw, and made other concessions over the years. My mom’s side isn’t very good at it though; they say “we’re doing less this Christmas.” Less than what? Then they end up buying extra stuff anyway, stuff I don’t even need, and then I look lame having only bought them one gift each, keeping in limits. I think it’s mainly about communicating what you are capable of and focusing on what you can do together as a family without feeling that pressure of “I have to by x number of gifts.”
OK one last thing; when my aunt went through a divorce a couple years ago, she sent a card with a gift card and said she was sorry she couldn’t do more but it was a tough time. I told her it was kind of her to even think she still needed to give me anything, and I understood and didn’t expect her to keep buying me stuff now that I’m an adult with my own family, mortgage etc. I appreciate the thought but I don’t ever want someone to feel obligated to give to me when they can’t.
Oh, I completely agree! The competitive pressure is the worst part of it — I know a few people who like to buy as many gifts as financially possible, and they don’t understand why I then feel under pressure to match their generous gift-giving. I guess it comes down to personalities…. they just enjoy the gift-giving, whereas I feel like all gift-giving should be equal and I’d be doing them a disservice by not matching them.
I’ve been trying to communicate more this year about setting limits, but I think I’m going to have to push that even more next year.
Thank you so much for stopping by the blog, by the way! Your comments were so thoughtful.
I’m addicted to Sleepy Hollow too, I just wish they’d get Crane some modern clothes. Don’t get me wrong- I love the look 18th century look, but come on. Give the guy some jeans already! Those clothes should have disintergrated ages ago. ;)
Haha, yeah, I dread to think what those things smell like! It’s iconic but they can still keep the iconic look and get him new clothes… just have him raid a thrift shop. :)
I could listen to Johnny Lee Miller and Benedict Cumberbatch read for hours, I think. And I have to agree that Ichabod Crane is very good-looking. His nose is pretty much a work of art lol.
Sorry to hear about the horrible weather. We’ve been in the deep freeze here, with lots of snow, but we’re used to that sort of thing. And I have to agree that Christmas can be stressful. I’ve had some trouble getting in a festive spirit this year myself. I hope your holiday turns out to be wonderful despite the stress. :)
I hope yours does too, Erin. :)
I agree that breaks from writing can be inspiring. Oh and I adore Sleepy Hollow! The dialogue is fantastic!
My sister lives in Scotland, and we were bugging her with emails after that storm. She said the winds were crazy. Glad to hear you’re okay!
Sleepy Hollow is so much fun. I love the cast – like you said, it’s varied, which makes it more interested – and Ichabod …. :) I’m a fan!
Have a great week! I hope it proves to be less stressful.
Thanks Bridgid! It’s just turned midnight, Saturday morning, and I think things are finally settling down. :)
Cool stuff! Sounds like you’re putting your musical education to work already. :) And nice to meet you.
Lovely to meet you too, kelworthfiles!