I had steak tonight! It was great. I wish you’d been there, internet friends.
I’ve been listening to some music. Have a selection of my clashing tastes:
So much detail! So much sillness!
This fits right in with two things I’ve been loving lately – more upbeat music like Modest Mouse’s “And We All Float On” and gorgeous pixel art like the Scott Pilgrim Versus the World game. Oh, and there’s a zombie.
Speaking of Scott Pilgrim, the original Metric version of “Black Sheep” is epic. Though the Scott Pilgrim version has it charms as well.
I got my first taste of dubstep with Skrillex’s free-to-download EP, and my favorite song is “WEEKENDS”. I can’t do much comparisons here, not being a dubstep listener… it, uh, reminds me of the Chemical Brothers song “Believe”? That is the best I can do.
Things I learn from Wikipedia: Skrillex is fronted by the Every Time I Die frontman Sonny Moore. That was unexpected.
Finally, something I know isn’t to everyone’s tastes (even less so than the previous two), but I love it anyway. When My Chemical Romance’s new album was described with words like “pop” and “synth” I winced, then this came out. It’s some kind of pop-punk, anime-styled Fallout 3 universe with rayguns and upbeat music – the new album is meant to be a post-apocalypse radio station broadcast. I have a huge weakspot for awesome concepts.
“Look alive, sunshine…”
IT GETS BETTER WORSE – the full song is out. At first I hated it compared to the simple cut from the above video, but I have looped it until it grew on me and will probably keep on looping it while headbanging and spilling tea everywhere. I am shameless.
Hi, Emma how are you? I hope you’re doing well and you’re writing some nice stories!
But i don’t get it…why is everyone on Scott Pilgrim?
Hi Aude! Yeah, things are going well and the writing is moving along swiftly. I hope they are for you too. =)
Do you mean why is everyone talking about Scott Pilgrim? It’s not a blockbuster movie, but the director has a lot of fans in the UK because his past movies (including Shaun of the Dead) are very popular here. Also, it’s based on a comic book series and comic books usually have only a small amount of readers, but they are very passionate about books they like and promote them as much as possible.
Hope that makes sense! :D