I like to do some cartoon-y sketches and character illustrations to warm up before writing in the evenings and weekends, and to mess about with character designs and personalities.
This is my latest set of sketches from September, a demon named Caitlin. She chose to become a demon to get out of a pretty desperate situation, but she’s not that into the job and prefers to spend her time reading and avoiding every single other demon.
But she’s summoned by young Iona, a lassie living in a remote Scottish island whose only friends are online, fellow fangirls living thousands of miles away.
Iona has a problem: someone murdered her mother, and right as she summons Caitlin, they’re trying to kill her too…
I had a lot of fun with these September sketches. I’d sketched Caitlin previous in August, but that was just to get her colour scheme and outfit design down. There wasn’t any personality to it yet, and her features and pose were very “default”.
So, that’s a peek at one of the characters I’ve been messing around with (and the characters I’m writing, albeit in very very early draft form).
October is #Inktober, an inking challenge, so I’ll be doodling more throughout the month.
Cool artwork! I love how dynamic that second picture is :D
Thank youuu! :D