My writing friend JB Rockwell did a post this month collecting her writing achievements for the year, which put me in the mind to pull up something similar.
We’re still got three months left in the year, including ever-important NaNoWriMo month, but it’s time to check in before the final rush.
- ALL THE BROKEN THINGS Draft 3 (Jen Rewrite) A massive rewrite, entirely reshaping the book from its original form. Finished in January.
- ALL THE BROKEN THINGS Draft 4 (Mike Rewrite). Another massive rewrite. Finished at the end of May.
- ALL THE BROKEN THINGS Draft 5 (Rob Rewrite). Another massive, massive rewrite, hopefully the last big reshape this project will need. By this point I was sick to my back teeth of making huge changes, happy with how far the story had come, and ready to bring future edits down to a more manageable level. Finished in September.
Writing is rewriting. At least, that seems to be the way my process works out. I always have a hard time viewing big rewrites as progress — as much as I pour time, effort and new words into it, it’s still bashing away at a project instead of sending it out into the world.
2015 has partially about me getting over this, and accepting massive redrafts as a part of my process. I enjoyed Deliah Dawson’s description of each draft as a new layer to the story, with each previous draft necessary to bring you closer and more familiar with the world.
This particular quote rings very true to how I work:
“Books aren’t written – they’re rewritten. Including your own. It is one of the hardest things to accept, especially after the seventh rewrite hasn’t quite done it.”
And one more, from Non Pratt’s revision advice.
“Repeat after me: writing is rewriting and rewriting is rewarding.”
― Non Pratt
Short Stories
- LEVIATHAN RISES story released in the Under the Waves anthology
- BADASS UNICORNS story on sub
Works In Progress
- HELLA FUN PROJECT Draft 1. This is the next big WIP, and my October project.
- DIVIDE THE SKY Draft 5. Another massive rehaul, jazzing up tense and turning the story into what it was always supposed to be.
- I’m hoping to do a speedy 6th draft of ALL THE BROKEN THINGS in October, and then send it off to two final readers in November. With a bit of luck, and one final polish, it should be good for querying by January. So excited for this, you have no idea.
- A few other ideas and unfinished projects: DOGGONE PROJECT, LEVIATHAN RISES, a DRAGON TAMERS rewrite and a ton of other fun stuff.
So, things are looking good, and I’m well on track for my year goal of 150,000 words, but I’ve still got a lot of work left towards my 2015 goals. I’m still aiming for at least one new first draft out this year, and one novel on submission.
For reading this far, have a thank-you singalong.