AUTUMN’S HERE! WE MADE IT! Crunchy leaves, pumpkin spice, rainy reading days and crisp cold starry nights all lie ahead.
It’s autumn. My favourite season is upon us, and you guys, I am SO ready for it.

This summer has felt really unfocussed and unproductive, though looking back on that I wonder how much of that was just me… having a good time and enjoying summer. Doing summery things.
I’m still actively working hard to get away from my past ‘MUST BE WRITING ALWAYS’ attitude. I achieved a lot in these last few months! It’s just very different stuff to what I used to define as productivity. I used to measure productivity in finished manuscripts and wordcount, but instead these last few months are measured in social events, new things tried, experiences had, and good habits formed. It’s quite a shift to get used to.
I had an awesome summer, full of Dungeons & Dragons and travel, and I’m looking forward to talking more about it over the next few days with my June, July and August recap posts.
Now we’re hitting peak books-and-writing season, and I’m ready to get my words in order.
With that in mind, some goals for the month ahead:
- WRITING: Finish the Divide the Sky (epic fantasy with m/m romance) edit
- WRITING: Write 30k.
- WRITING: Blogging catch-up! Buckle up for the June, July and August recap posts as well as a one-year-overdue Helsinki photo post.
- WRITING: Get to Week 5 of the Couchto80k writing course.
- WRITING: Start the Witch of the Western Isles (urban fantasy with f/f romance) book rewrite
- READING: Read 6 books, with a focus on finishing all the ones I’ve started but not finished because my focus was so scattered this summer. I’ll be joining in mind-reader Miss Cole’s amazingly named SEPTEMBER TBR PILE DECIMATION challenge as I tackle those six books!
It’s a bit funny looking back at when I last did this challenge in July 2015. Some of those books are still sitting on the TBR pile. …Woops.
- HEALTH: Lose over 5lbs.
- HEALTH: Finish Couch to 5k and start doing regular 5k lunchtime runs with the Zombies, Run! app
- HEALTH: Continue increasing strength work to build up core strength/squats/quads for roller derby.
- LISTEN: Listen to The Night of Cake and Puppets by Laini Taylor, the Alice Isn’t Dead Podcast, the Bright Sessions.
- LEARN: Finish the Mindshift course.
- ART: Create and share five illustrations.
LET’S GO GO GO! Onwards into autumn! I’ll leave you with a surreal autumnal Tumblr post that always makes me laugh.
young man
there r leaves all around
i said young man
eat a leaf off the ground
i said young man
won’t they make a cool sound
when you stuff! them! in! your! leaf holeTumblr users puppercat (first verse) and r5h (second verse). SOURCE.
(Please do not actually eat leaves.)