Interview’s up at the Brownville Herald. xD
Surprising lack of quote-mangling in this one, except for the VIRTUAL DRAGINZ that appeared because the journalist didn’t like my on description of things: “Usually, if I’m asked about Dragon Tamers, I blush and force the questioner to change the topic – but this is an interview, so I guess I can’t pull that one off. I’d want it to sound as cool as possible, so I’d probably tell them something really dramatic and exciting, like… “It’s about a universe evolving out of control, and the lost souls who get caught up in the collapse of reality and thrown into a fantasy world. They new purpose in life is to escape this video-game based world with their lives intact, fighting against monsters of all kinds in a messed up new world – but on the bright side, they’ve got dragons on their side.””
I did like how I got to end the article, though. :3 *happy dance* I GET THE LAST WORLD, HAHAHAHA. And I was kind of surprised my vicious ‘god no’ to the ‘next JK’ label was left unedited, rofl.
The interview used, in it’s raw uncut ‘I did this at 8am with no sleep’ glory is below if you haven’t already read it.
e.m.rowling lololol