I’m going to assume a lot of you bloggers out there already read The Bloggess, a hilarious, devil-may-care blog from wonderfully blunt writer Jenny Lawson. She openly suffers from a laundry list of conditions (OCD, ADD, anxiety, depression and rheumatoid arthritis) and has a fondness for amusing (ethically performed) taxidermy.
A friend was asking for post recommendations, which had me wondering. If you read The Bloggess, what are your favorite and recommended posts? Here are a few of mine.
And that’s why you should learn to pick your battles. The story of what happened when she bought a giant metal chicken.

It doesn’t take much to make me happy. The story of what happened when she bought a giant bear head.
Her name is Juanita. Juanita Weasel. Unless you can think of something better. Her adventures with a taxidermied weasel.
The Fight Goes On and Wow, two more somber posts where she admitted to self-harm and received a massive flood of support, including over 2,600 comments