It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, sorry ’bout that. Aside from the obvious events affecting things, I started training for a new role at work at the start of the month. Since then I’ve had most of my energy sapped by traveling and trying to take in new info. The days are short and hectic, and the weather is awful.
I was planning on getting some writing done tonight, but that didn’t work out. Haven’t had the time for it in quite a while, which always bothers me.
I did manage to skive on the internet a bit instead though, finding out that plagiarism is still about, especially by famous people.
Also, either the Twilight fans have discovered I’m not part of their cult, or I’m being trolled. I really can’t tell but it made me laugh. I’m not the only target of Twihard ire lately, either.
Aside from that, I’ve been watching brilliant British supernatural comedies and playing my favorite game series.
I’ve had too much time to think, worry and reminisce lately. I blame the snow.
Hope everyone is dressing warm. Eat porridge!