MISSION SUCCESS. My edits are done. Completed. Finished. Finally over.
Okay, that celebratory art is all well and good, but that’s not as party-like as it could be. Can we add more party?
Of course we can, I have a photoshop wizard for a fiancé.
Now that NaNoEdMo (aka “the month of edits and ice cream”) is finished, I’m going to spend some time doing catch-up on beta reading. The plan is to start on the ALL THE BROKEN THINGS edit soon, but with a bit of stubbornness I should be able to convince myself to take the weekend off. For reading. And video games.
And, y’know, all that sleep I’ve missed out on.
How are your NaNoWriMo or November writing tasks going? I’d love to hear!
Today’s commission was by Jennilah, a young student artist who is absolutely lovely to work with. Her commission info is here.
My friend Jenny Haines, a professional artist, also has a sale on for commissioned art. She has a huge range of styles, and you can check out her work here and her rates here.