Laini Taylor’s “Daughter of Smoke and Bone” was released this week, and I reviewed it here. To celebrate, I have 1 brand new hardback copy to give away!
The story includes a shop where wishes are a currency. Wishes rang from scuppies – little wishes which can change hair colours, remove tattoos and cause uncomfortable itches – to larger wishes which can grant flight, and even knowledge, but often at a price.
To enter just leave a comment below telling me what small thing you would wish for, if you had a scuppie to spend.
You won’t get extra entries for multiple comments, but feel free to chat to your fellow commenters anyway.
Here’s how to gain extra entries:
+1 extra entry if you link to this contest on your Twitter/Facebook/Goodreads/etc. (Limit of +4 extra entries)
+1 if you follow me on Twitter (@EMaree) and/or add my Facebook fan page
+1 if you link to this post on your blog (includes Blogger, Tumblr, Livejournal etc).
Drop me a comment with links to places you’ve been spreading the word, mentioning everything you’ve done to get extra entries. The winner will be decided next Monday by Make sure you use a valid e-mail address when you comment, so I can contact you if you win.
This contest runs from today (Friday 30th September) through to Friday 14th October at midnight (UK Time: GMT+1). Any entries after that point will not be counted.
Because I am a poor IT monkey, this competition is only open in the UK. Sorry, international guys and girls.
Depends what you consider to be small really. I would love to be able to fly, but I guess that’s kind of a big one. As is time travel.
But I think, if I had to wish for something small, I would want to be an artist. Always wanted to be good at drawing and painting, but I just don’t have the skills. S’probably cause of my claw-like piano-hands. Anyway, a scuppie for artistic ability please. :]
Flying’s a big one, the main character wants that ability but has to go hunting for a very rare wish token to get the chance. Artistic ability sounds easily possible though, especially since it would just be a level-up on your existing and considerable artistic skills. :)
You’re very kind m’dear :] I’ll admit I have talent at what I do, just always wanted to be able to sit and sketch in a coffee shop. Guess I have to settle for reading and whistling a tune instead x] Still, this is only if flight is out of the question.
Course, if I could fly, I’d want wings. Massive bird-wings. That burst from my back at will. And blow away as feathers in the wind when I’m done with them. But re-burstable if need be.
Failing that, time-travel would be incredibly awesome! :D
If it was only a little wish, as sad as it sounds, mine would probably be to have darker eyebrows/lashes! I can’t go out without mascara unless I want to look like La Roux, and my eyebrows are so light, that sometimes it doesnt look like I have any in photos, which just looks bizarre :s so there you go! :)
I think a lot of dark-haired girls would kill for light eyebrows, all the required tweezing is a small nightmare!