I’ve just finished my IT job of six years, and now I’ve got a week to get my life in order before my new job starts.
It’s nice being able to get a full nights sleep, heh. I need to take more holidays.
What I’m Reading
It’s been a super busy week, so I’m still on Wes Chu’s excellent THE LIVES OF TAO. When I’m done, I’ll be moving onto BLOOD AND FEATHERS: REBELLION, the sequel to one 0f my favourite 2012 releases. It’s a good month for reading.
What I’m Writing
Editing is going pretty good — 50% done!
I hate editing, quite fiercely, so I’m glad I’ve finally got a system that works for me. These edits are being done entirely long-hand on a print out — the typing up will come afterwards, and it’ll be interesting to see how long that takes.
What Inspires Me Right Now
You lot are my main inspiration just now. Thank you for writing away, writer friends, and encouraging me to keep up the hard work. Sorry I haven’t been as active in the comments — I’ll remedy that shortly.
The Rainymood site, as always, remains my loyal companion and concentration aid.
What Else I’ve Been Up To
Two driving lessons down! I’m still at that awkward stage where I have to think about everything I’m doing, and eventually I fumble under all the different steps and do something stupid like hit the brakes instead of the accelerator. I can’t wait until that fabled moment drivers have been telling me about, when I start doing part of the work automatically.
I’m only two hours in, though. That’s something I really have to keep in mind when I start getting annoyed at myself for not picking it up faster.
Got a haircut tomorrow and another driving lesson at the weekend. With a bit of luck I’ll be able to sneak a gym trip into my schedule too.
Busy times! And now it’s back to editing I go…
I remember my driving instructor telling me the infamous “one day, this will all be automatic!” line on my third or fourth lesson. I was like “easy for you to say!” but he was totally right! Of course once it does, you start forming all the bad habits ^^;;;;;
Rainymood is the best writing tool online ^_^
It does suddenly click after a while. :) I’ve been learning since last August so don’t feel you have to rush. Everyone picks up things at different paces.
Thanks Robin! I do need to keep that in mind, I get twitchy about running out of time even though these things don’t have any time limit.
WOW, Rainymood is awesome. Thanks for sharing! I actually kept it on for a bit until I remembered it’s actually raining here. Hah!
Good luck with driving! It took me three times to pass the test, but eventually I got it. ^_^
Rainymood is one of my favourite websites. <3 Congrats on passing your test! Having to retake it twice is pretty normal, I can't name any of my friends who passed first time. :)