I’m still shocked it’s July! And now it’s Wednesday as well! Time needs to slow down.
What I’m Reading
I finished TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, and now I’m on to writer-friend Wes Chu’s THE LIVES OF TAO. I love Tao. I love Edward (*sniffle*). I LOVE EVERYTHING. I’m really annoyed I don’t have more time in my day to read this.
What I’m Writing
Revisions have been slow, but steady. The start of DIVIDE THE SKY is difficult to revise, because I’m laying the framework for all the plot changes. The slowness is frustrating, but it’s worth it… this story’s coming together, and this revision has a coherency of plot that I’m quite proud of.
I got annoyed with my Chapter 2 rewrite for a while, before realising it needed a clearer ‘goal’ — the pacing had slowed for a bit, my character was absorbing information, but he wasn’t acting on it. He was allowing a secondary character to tell him what to do.
Swap that around so the main character takes this information and decides to move forward with it, and bam! Chapter fixed! Much rejoicing!
So now I’ve zoomed through to Chapter 8. Life is good. I’ll be looking for beta readers in the very near future, so if you’re interested in helping me out (I can offer a critique of your manuscript in return), leave a comment or drop me a line. Info about DIVIDE THE SKY is over here.
What Inspires Me Right Now
Fall Out Boy have a new video out! I’d say they’re a guilty pleasure, but I’d be lying, I’m completely shameless about my enjoyment of these guys. It’s a continuation of the storyline in their previous three music videos.
Also, now that DIVIDE is back in the spotlight, the playlist is getting some attention:
What Else I’ve Been Up To
Okay, I probably won’t even get to take the wheel as it’s my first lesson, but my nerves are still running high. It’s been a while since I last practised driving (there’s a sexist joke at that link, sorry. Me-three-years-ago had some internalised misogyny to get over).
I’m having a lot of fun window-shopping future cars, though. Possible too much fun. Don’t ask me my opinion of cars just now, because my head is FULL OF THEM.
Best of luck with your driving lesson! Enjoy! Also, the car you need to buy is a Yaris :D
Oh, I wish I could afford a Yaris. Their resale value seems to stay extremely high.
Maybe after a few years driving I can get one, when I know I’ll be less likely to accidentally crash it.
Good luck with the driving! My cousin stopped driving when she lived in NYC, then had to relearn and retake the driver’s test when she moved to Texas and had no problems. :) You’ll do great!
Best wishes with your writing goals this week!
Thank you Alison!
Sounds like you had some awesome breakthroughs this week. Isn’t that the best feeling ever? I’m still hoping to come up with some solutions for my revision. It’s giving me some grief, so I’ve been avoiding it. Good luck with your driving, Emma! I still don’t have my license, but I really need to consider going back sometime and trying again. I’m just terrified at the thought. Shopping for cars would definitely be fun though!:)
Thanks Jamie. I know what you mean about revision grief, I avoided this one for ages. Waiting was good for the story in the end, though — it helped me form a solid revision plan.
Hehe, I was terrified too. It took necessity to force my hand — I got a job far enough away from home that public transport is going to suuuuck.
Ooooooooohhhhh driving lessons :-) and car shopping sounds like a lot of fun! It seems that you´re doing great with your revisions! Best of luck for this week <3
Cheers Elodie! :D
I hope you enjoyed TKaM. I did. A lot. :) And congrats for nailing your plot issues and being able to move forward. Giving your character clear motivation and goals are, IMO, critical to a compelling story. There has to be a darn good reason why your character is going to make some life-changing decisions, or go off on a dangerous quest, rather than go back to bed. The reader has to see that your MC really has no choice but to do what s/he needs to do, or that the best choice for your MC is the one upon which your whole plot hangs.
I’d be happy to go on your list of potential beta readers. I don’t know that your story’s genre is one with which I have much experience, but I can certainly tell you what I like and don’t like about it, if that would be helpful to you.
I really like Fall Out Boy! I’ve really been enjoying their new songs. Patrick’s voice will always be amazing but I do miss those epic sideburns.
Wow – even though it can be very frustrating, it sounds like you have a really good handle on your revisions. Good luck! And good luck with your driving lessons. Fun times!
p.s. I love Fall Out Boy. :)