Early this morning, there was a problem in the office where I work.
The security door is stuck with the alarm blaring. Ow, my head. #officeproblems
— Emma Maree Urquhart (@EMaree) January 28, 2013
Initially, I wasn’t too fussed. I had mechanisms in place to deal with distracting office noise.
Headphones + white noise ftw. It’s bad that I’ve developed coping methods for preserving sanity during alarm failures…
— Emma Maree Urquhart (@EMaree) January 28, 2013
But then it continued for over an hour.
The alarm is still going at full volume. The door engineers need to be sent up from Glasgow. 3 hours away. #help — Emma Maree Urquhart (@EMaree) January 28, 2013
Think I’ll spend lunchtime hiding in the canteen and listening to “Cabin Pressure”. — Emma Maree Urquhart (@EMaree) January 28, 2013
And continued.
— Emma Maree Urquhart (@EMaree) January 28, 2013
…and continued…
A guy with a toolkit just came in, looked at the door, and then left. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?
— Emma Maree Urquhart (@EMaree) January 28, 2013
Until, four hours later:
FINALLY. SILENCE. Finallllllllyyyyy~ — Emma Maree Urquhart (@EMaree) January 28, 2013
And hours later, the memory remains.
My ears are still ringing… — Emma Maree Urquhart (@EMaree) January 28, 2013
Though there were some highlights to lessen the headaches.
The fire alarm test went wrong and the alarm got stuck for a minute. Between each blast there was hysterical, terrified laughter. #notagain — Emma Maree Urquhart (@EMaree) January 28, 2013
Oh hey, looks like half the building thought that was an actual alarm. *waves out the window*
— Emma Maree Urquhart (@EMaree) January 28, 2013
After all that, I’m glad to me home with a cup of Chai tea and my trusty TARDIS dressing gown. It’s just a shame I can still hear the ringing.