Now that Janet Reid’s Insurgent contest is over, I thought I’d post my piece – it didn’t make the cut for finalists, but it was up against some ridiculously talented people so that’s to be expected. It exists in a similar universe to Killing Machine, where I take elements of my ‘Rebel Against Heaven’ project and transport them to a sci-fi setting.
The challenge was to come up with a story in under 100 words, using the words choice, destroy, risk, sequel, and allegiance. Here we go:
The higher-ups call it a show of allegiance, proving our loyalty to the army that’ve spent billions making us more than human. We call it suicide: a 100-storey jump that could destroy us in a mess of blood, bone and steel.
It’s not really a choice, unless you want to risk living your life as a deserter with 20 tons of limp metal fused to your back. Adrenalin and fear is the only thing the wings respond to. The intended sequel: the wings work, we survive.
We have to rely on our instincts to save us.