What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, allowing us to touch base with blog friends and let them know what’s up. It was created by created by Jaime and Erin. Want to join the party? Go right ahead, and remember to leave a link to your What’s Up Wednesday post in the widget on Jaime´s blog.
What I’m Reading
I’m going to the Aberdeen launch party for Laura Lam’s SHADOWPLAY at the weekend, and my reading time’s been slim-to-none lately, so I’ve just been reading SHADOWPLAY whenever I can. It’s a great evening read with short, snappy chapters.
In some ways the sequel reminds me of Rachel Hartman’s SERAPHINA, and that’s never a bad thing.
What I’m Writing
Okay, confession time: I’ve been thinking too much about the commercial side of things lately. I mean, I know none of us are in this for the money (if we were, we’d have actually picked a lucrative career) but my business brain has been working on overdrive the last few weeks.
Last week I disappeared into the commercial worry wormhole, but this week I’ve been out and working hard to just write good books. Because that’s the best thing we can do, right?
After Monday’s progress update on the BROKEN THINGS rewrite, things are ticking along slowly but steadily. I’m on page 38/178 of the scene outline now (21%!), and I’m getting more ruthless and focussed as I go on. I’m having fun editing out the unnecessary bits and streamlining the first draft of this story in line with the planned rewrite, though the actual rewrite is daunting.
I’ve also started up a mailing list, which I’ll use in times of SUPER IMPORTANT NEWS but otherwise won’t touch, because I hate pointless spammy e-mails. If you want to join, that’d be cool. You’ll be the first to find out whenever exciting things are happening in the Emmaverse. :)
What Inspires Me
After a (too long) break, I’m back behind the wheel again. I’ve changed instructors which means I’ve got a lot of un-learning of habits to do as I adapt to the different styles.
I also became a qualified first aider a week or two ago, which was hugely exciting. I CAN HELP INJURED PEOPLE. It’s such a cool feeling!
As always, Twitter’s been capturing some of my sillier moments. Like when I tried to set my tea on fire:
Just got momentarily disorientated while lighting a candle and tried to set my tea on fire.
— Emma Maree (@EMaree) February 17, 2014
And when Mac curled up with a pillow in my study: And, well, when I was just me:
Tea tea tea. Tea tea tea. TEAAAAAA.
— Emma Maree (@EMaree) February 17, 2014
What Else I’ve Been Up To
Guys, have you been keeping up to date with the crazy weather currently hitting the UK? Scotland has escaped relatively unscathed so far, but England’s got it a bit crazy. This photo of the floods, from Twitter, really drove it home for me.
Brit friends, I hope you’re looking out for yourselves! Stay safe, stay warm, and, erm…. try not to be flooded, I guess?
We’re so lucky in Brighton. We get hit *hard* by the winds, but the flooding is not an issue… except on the trainlines.
Hahahaha that lighting your tea on fire tweet is hilarious XD
Have an amazing time at the launch party!
Thank youuuuu!
I know what you mean about getting wrapped up in the commercial side of things – I’m definitely not in it for the money, but I frequently worry about writing non-commercial manuscripts…because they’re all I seem to write! :P
We’ve definitely had some crazy weather this week – I’ve been lucky to escape the floods and blackouts here in Birmingham, but I’m glad I’ve not had to use public transport because my brother’s not been able to get to university all week. o_O
And LOL at nearly lighting your tea on fire!
Oh, yeah – thanks for sending me the beta notes! They’re really helpful – I won’t burn them lol. :P I’m out of crazy-writer mode now and I’m looking forward to getting into this once I finish the latest rewrite for my publishers. :)
I’ve been hearing about the floods in the UK from my Mum. She hasn’t been so badly affected where she is, but she hasn’t been able to visit my brother in Pontypridd for a while because of the weather, and weather-related impediments. You all keep warm and dry, you hear! :)
I think it’s unrealistic for us to say we NEVER consider the commercial aspect of our writing. Of course we’re concerned that our work sells, and some of us may even look forward to bills that might be paid, or vacations that might be enjoyed as a result of an advance or a royalty cheque. As long as we don’t make that the main motivating factor, I don’t see anything wrong with it.
Have a wonderful week, Emma!
I had to really look at that photo before I actually saw the water line. Oh my goodness! That’s terrible. We’re getting big chunky snow right now which is pretty much normal for us, but wow. I hope the flooding lets up there soon!
Love the pic of your dog and, of course, the tea talk. :-)
Leeds is a little hole in these storms. It always seems to be happening around us which I guess is quite lucky but it feels like we’re in a completely different dimension when the rest of the country has the same weather and we don’t. I do wonder…
Congrats on getting back into driving again. I was so glad when I changed instructors because the habits that I got into when driving could have had me failing every practical test. He was so rubbish but this new instructor has been brilliant! Made me enjoy driving again.
Oh no, I didn’t realize the UK was getting floods! We had them in Calgary last year and it was devastating to a lot of people. Hopefully everyone stays safe.
Hahaha! Setting your tea on fire. That made me laugh out loud.
I am worried about you Brits and all this water. You can send some our way if you are tired of it. Which I’m sure you are. :)
Thinking about selling, landing an agent, getting a publishing deal, promotion, etc. is the fastest way to also kill your writing mojo. Don’t do it. :)
Good night, the weather’s crazy everywhere. Hope everyone’s safe!
I love that picture of your dog! I want to snuggle with the pup. And setting your tea on fire (or rather, trying to) is something I would so do.
Write write write! No need to think about anything else for now. Good luck!