Okay, this post is super-late, but here we go!
Writing Targets: Start revising the “Girls Who Fix Giant Robots” draft. Recovering from January deadlines this month so writing is a low priority. I’m planning to get in a lot of gaming and movie watching.
RESULT: I actually tried very hard not to do writing this month… but I failed and ended up starting the second draft of this WIP as well as a new project. Turns out I really hate not having something to work on.
Blogging Targets: Inspirational photos for the WIP, review of Blood Magic.
RESULT: None of that, but I took care of the sketchbook scan posts I was planning to do in January.
Art Targets: Just anything, really. Got a few ideas for character illustrations that I’d like to try and bring to life.
RESULT: I had quite a productive art month, with snow demons, catgirls and sketches galore. Managed to keep up life drawing and other sketch practices through the month too.
Social Targets: Stornoway Trip planned for February 25th – 2nd March.
RESULT: Stornoway was visited! It was nice to introduce my fiancé to the island, and to get a bit of a break.
Reading Targets: Read Pantomime, Blood Magic, Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, Write to be Published, Stiff and Maus
RESULT: Read Pantomime so far, and currently beta-reading a manuscript for a friend, as well a handful of comics. Not a bad month, even if I didn’t stick to my targets.